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Our Story

Omar P. Turay is founder and CEO of the Mano River International Company. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from The Ohio State University, a Certification in Agricultural & Economic Development from the Institute of Superior Agriculture (Dominican Republic), and a Master of Business Administration from Creighton University. 

He is a first-generation American whose father and mother emigrated to the United States from Guinea and Liberia, respectively. His vision of developing sustainable agricultural supply chains across West Africa and contributing the region’s housing and economic developments are influenced by his rich cultural heritage. 


Mano River International is named after the Mano River, a 200-mile body of water that starts in the Guinea Highlands in the West African country of Liberia. It forms a border between Liberia and Sierra Leone, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In 1973, neighbors Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast formed the Mano River Union. The goal was to improve unity, economic and trade cooperation between the nations. However, that mission has fallen short for various reasons.


Omar conceived the idea for Mano River International during his first trip to West Africa in 2016. While traveling between the Mano River Union countries, he observed abject poverty in the region. The housing situation was dire, there was little food, and the people were malnourished. In addition, children were not in school and there were no healthcare facilities nearby.


The people grow their own food, as the soil is rich in nutrients and is ideal for farming. However, they lacked the skills and tools to properly farm the land. So given his agricultural background, Omar saw an opportunity to launch a business in the region. By doing so, he can help solve some of the current and future problems in terms of addressing the food shortage, promoting education, and contributing to the housing and economic development in Africa. 


Mano River International  is committed to reinvesting 5% of total earnings into local communities to help tackle poverty and boost economic development. The Mano River Education Fund is currently paying for 50 young people in Liberia to attend school, as their families can’t afford to educate them.  

In addition to becoming  Liberia’s leading agricultural company, Mano River International plans to be a community hub where locals can frequent a community center complete with an internet café, a library, a medical clinic to provide a variety of healthcare services and the like.  


Be a part of the legacy by Investing with Mano River International

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